Clear my criminal record
Part 1: Introduction
One of many things that make this country the greatest country in the history of the world is that we are a hopeful people. We have always believed, and still believe, that the best days are just ahead of us. Sometimes, as we know, that future vision can be overshadowed by the days we’ve left behind us.
That is what it feels like to have a criminal record. You are hopeful for the future, for renewal, and wish that the past could just go away.
This is the first in a series of posts about how you can minimize your criminal record. Whether we’re looking for a job, applying to school, seeking a professional license, or just trying to clear our name, you should read this article for some handy tips or tricks. I hope you find it useful.
In the next post, I’ll write about “expungement”, a process that many people believe (mistakenly) will totally erase any public record of a criminal conviction. The post after that, I’ll explore all the other areas where your criminal record might pop up, even if you’ve been luckily enough to achieve expungement. And finally I’ll share some not-so-well known steps you can take to clear your name.
One last thing: Want to know the best way to clear your criminal record? Hire an aggressive and compassionate attorney to defend you. A good criminal defense attorney will work hard to gain a dismissal of the charges against you or to prevent them from ever being brought in the first place.